2024 03 v.35 390-398
目的:在用车尾气排放颗粒物数目含量检测技术和设备国产化。方法:基于凝结核增长计数原理,采用自稀释结构,并调整温度设置,研发了纳米级细颗粒物计数仪器,并在洁净间进行了标定实验,同时,基于标定完成的自研CPC仪器对在用车排放尾气颗粒物数目含量进行了实地测量。结果:在使用自稀释结构,采样温度为6~50℃下,自研仪器的D_(50)达到了9.2 nm,满足机动车D_(50)为23±1 nm的检测要求,仪器瞬态响应误差为9.53%,检测范围在0~5×10~4个/mL,满足仪器误差指标。此外,针对在用车排放尾气的实地测量结果表明,自研CPC具有较好的辨识能力,可以准确地捕捉到不同量级的颗粒物数目含量变化趋势,且自研CPC与TSI CPC的峰值相对误差变化均低于10%。结论:研制的仪器达到机动车尾气检测标准,且仪器检测范围内一致性较高。
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[1] MOSTAFAVI S A,DADSETAN A,SAFIKHANI H.Particulate material 2.5 change in the city using EURO4 urban buses technology case study:Arak City,Iran[J].International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology,2022,19(10):10041-10052.
[2] FOWLER D,BRIMBLECOMBE P,BURROWS J,et al.A chronology of global air quality[J].Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A,2020,378(2183):12-40.
[3] Health Effects Institute.State of global air 2020[R].Bethesda:Health Effects Institute,2020:4-5.
[4] POPE C A III,COLEMAN N,POND Z A,et al.Fine particulate air pollution and human mortality:25+ years of cohort studies[J].Environmental Research,2020,18(3):10-24.
[5] 陈自荣.规范机动车尾气检测加强汽车污染排放管理[J].黑龙江环境通报,2023,36(6):52-54.CHEN Z R.On standardizing motor vehicle exhaust emission testing and strengthening automobile pollutant emission management[J].Heilongjiang Environmental Journal,2023,36(6):52-54.
[6] 张全胜.城市汽车尾气排放污染及其防治措施研究[J].能源与节能,2021,11(1):63-64.ZHANG Q S.Study on pollution of urban automobile exhaust emissions and its prevention and control measures[J].Energy and Energy Conservation,2021,11(1):63-64.
[7] SHRIVASTAVA M,NGUYEN A,ZHENG Z,et al.Kinetics of soot oxidation by NO2[J].Environmental Science & Technology,2010,44(12):796-801.
[8] NAKAI S,JST C,NITTA H,et al.Respiratory health associated with exposure to automobile exhaust.III.Results of a cross-sectional study in 1987,and repeated pulmonary function tests from 1987 to 1990[J].Archives of Environmental Health:An International Journal,1999,54(1):26-33.
[9] STURM R.Theoretical deposition of diesel exhaust particles in the respiratory tract of children[J].Journal of Public Health and Emergency,2019,3(1):2-3.
[10] KONUR O.Cancer caused by diesel fuel exhaust emissions:A review of the research[M]//Petrodiesel Fuels.Boca Raton:CRC Press,2021:75-92.
[11] 刘易,王长春,袁益炳,等.激光气体分析仪在尾气检测中的应用与改进[J].石油化工自动化,2023,59(2):86-87,90.LIU Y,WANG C C,YUAN Y B,et al.Application and improvement of laser gas analyzer in exhaust gas monitoring and detecting[J].Automation in Petro-Chemical Industry,2023,59(2):86-87,90.
[12] 李响,李凌霄,李晗光.激光尘埃粒子计数器的稳定性分析[J].通信电源技术,2018,35(9):123-125.LI X,LI L X,LI H G.Stability analysis of laser dust particle counter[J].Telecom Power Technology,2018,35(9):123-125.
[13] 滕勤,刘一鸣,夏顺礼,等.取样式不透光烟度计的设计[J].车用发动机,2002,6(1):25-29.TENG Q,LIU Y M,XIA S L,et al.Design of a sampling type smoke opacimeter[J].Car Engine,2002,6(1):25-29.
[14] ANWAR M N,SHABBIR M,TAHIR E,et al.Emerging challenges of air pollution and particulate matter in China,India,and Pakistan and mitigating solutions[J].Journal of Hazardous Materials,2021,16(1):25-26.
[15] ALEMAYEHU Y A,ASFAW S L,TERFIE T A.Exposure to urban particulate matter and its association with human health risks[J].Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2020,27:491-506.
[16] GIECHASKIEL B,MELAS A,MARTINI G,et al.Overview of vehicle exhaust particle number regulations[J].Processes,2021,9(22):12-16.
[17] 彭敏.汽油发动机排气颗粒物检测影响因素研究[D].黑龙江:东北林业大学,2017:7-8.PENG M.Research on the Influence Factors of Particulate Matter Emission Detection from Gasoline Engines[D].Heilongjiang:Northeast Forestry University,2017:7-8.
[18] 王泽民.汽车尾气排放检测技术与治理措施分析[J].时代汽车,2023(11):7-9.WANG Z M.Analysis of automobile exhaust emission detection technology and treatment measures[J].Times Cars,2023(11):7-9.
[19] 徐盛.汽车尾气检测中过量空气系数测量偏差的分析[J].设备管理与维修,2020(15):108-109.XU S.Analysis of excess air coefficient measurement deviations in automobile exhaust gas detection[J].Equipment Management and Maintenance,2020(15):108-109.
[20] 高继东,宋崇林,张铁臣,等.汽油车排气中颗粒物粒径的分布特性[J].燃烧科学与技术,2007,3(1):248-252.GAO J D,SONG C L,ZHANG T C,et al.Size distributions of exhaust particulates from a passenger car with gasoline engine[J].Journal of Combustion Science and Technology,2007,3(1):248-252.
[21] 王嘉松,陈达良,宁治,等.不同燃料汽车排放超细微粒特性的实验研究[J].环境科学,2006,12(1):2382-2385.WANG JS,CHAN T L,NING Z,et al.Experimental study on ultrafine particle characteristics exhausted from various fuelled vehicles[J].Environmental Sciences,2006,12(1):2382-2385.
[22] HU Z Y,LIN J J,TAN P Q,et al.NEDC particle number and size emission characters of a diesel car fueled with biodiesel blends in laboratory[J].Journal of Tongji University(Natural Science),2012,40(6):937-941.
[23] WANG X,LI F,GE Y,et al.Particle size distribution of particulate matter emission from the diesel engine burning methanol-diesel fuel and biodiesel[J].Nongye Jixie Xuebao Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2009,40(8):7-12.
[24] 樊筱筱,蒋靖坤,张强,等.轻型汽油车排放颗粒物数浓度和粒径分布特征[J].环境科学,2016,37(10):37-43.FAN X X,JIANG J K,ZHANG Q,et al.Number concentration and size distribution of particles emitted by light-duty gasoline vehicles[J].Environmental Sciences,2016,37(10):37-43.
[25] 陈奕行,孙在,熊启航.多层静电丝网对于亚微米颗粒捕集效果的研究[J].中国计量大学学报,2021,32(2):217-224.CHEN Y X,SUN Z,XlONG Q H.Research on the trapping effect of multi-layer electrostatic mesh on sub-micron particles[J].Journal of China University of Metrology,2021,32(2):217-224.
[26] 华轶聪,尹招琴,凃程旭,等.水基铜纳米流体管内颗粒凝并的数值模拟研究[J].中国计量大学学报,2017,28(3):300-305.HUA Y C,YIN Z Q,TUC X.et al.Numerical simulation of Cu/water nanofluid particles coagulation in pipes[J].Journal of China University of Metrology,2017,28(3):300-305.
[27] 余同柱.机动车尾气超细颗粒物采样与数浓度在线测量关键技术研究[D].合肥:中国科学技术大学,2018:24-28.YU T Z.Research on Key Technologies of On-Line Measurement of Sampling and Number Concentration of ultrafine Particles in Motor Vehicle[D].Hefei:University of Science and Technology of China,2018:24-28.
[28] 钟琪,王文,王哲,等.新型大气颗粒物自动换膜采样装置研究[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2018,32(4):7-12.ZHONG Q,WANG W,WANG Z.et al.Research on automatic film-changing sampler for airborne particulate matter[J].Journal of Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation,2018,32(4):7-12.
[29] 钟仕钰,张甦.双怠速法机动车尾气排放检测结果的影响因素分析[J].环境监控与预警,2016,8(1):35-37.ZHONG S Y,ZHANG S.Analysis on factors that influence the testing result of motor vehicle exhaust emission by the double idle speed method[J].Environmental Monitoring and Early Warning,2016,8(1):35-37.
[30] International Organization Standardization.Aerosol Particle Number Concentration—Calibration of Condensation Particle Counters:ISO 27891:2015[S].Switzerland:International Organization for Standardization,2015.
[2] FOWLER D,BRIMBLECOMBE P,BURROWS J,et al.A chronology of global air quality[J].Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A,2020,378(2183):12-40.
[3] Health Effects Institute.State of global air 2020[R].Bethesda:Health Effects Institute,2020:4-5.
[4] POPE C A III,COLEMAN N,POND Z A,et al.Fine particulate air pollution and human mortality:25+ years of cohort studies[J].Environmental Research,2020,18(3):10-24.
[5] 陈自荣.规范机动车尾气检测加强汽车污染排放管理[J].黑龙江环境通报,2023,36(6):52-54.CHEN Z R.On standardizing motor vehicle exhaust emission testing and strengthening automobile pollutant emission management[J].Heilongjiang Environmental Journal,2023,36(6):52-54.
[6] 张全胜.城市汽车尾气排放污染及其防治措施研究[J].能源与节能,2021,11(1):63-64.ZHANG Q S.Study on pollution of urban automobile exhaust emissions and its prevention and control measures[J].Energy and Energy Conservation,2021,11(1):63-64.
[7] SHRIVASTAVA M,NGUYEN A,ZHENG Z,et al.Kinetics of soot oxidation by NO2[J].Environmental Science & Technology,2010,44(12):796-801.
[8] NAKAI S,JST C,NITTA H,et al.Respiratory health associated with exposure to automobile exhaust.III.Results of a cross-sectional study in 1987,and repeated pulmonary function tests from 1987 to 1990[J].Archives of Environmental Health:An International Journal,1999,54(1):26-33.
[9] STURM R.Theoretical deposition of diesel exhaust particles in the respiratory tract of children[J].Journal of Public Health and Emergency,2019,3(1):2-3.
[10] KONUR O.Cancer caused by diesel fuel exhaust emissions:A review of the research[M]//Petrodiesel Fuels.Boca Raton:CRC Press,2021:75-92.
[11] 刘易,王长春,袁益炳,等.激光气体分析仪在尾气检测中的应用与改进[J].石油化工自动化,2023,59(2):86-87,90.LIU Y,WANG C C,YUAN Y B,et al.Application and improvement of laser gas analyzer in exhaust gas monitoring and detecting[J].Automation in Petro-Chemical Industry,2023,59(2):86-87,90.
[12] 李响,李凌霄,李晗光.激光尘埃粒子计数器的稳定性分析[J].通信电源技术,2018,35(9):123-125.LI X,LI L X,LI H G.Stability analysis of laser dust particle counter[J].Telecom Power Technology,2018,35(9):123-125.
[13] 滕勤,刘一鸣,夏顺礼,等.取样式不透光烟度计的设计[J].车用发动机,2002,6(1):25-29.TENG Q,LIU Y M,XIA S L,et al.Design of a sampling type smoke opacimeter[J].Car Engine,2002,6(1):25-29.
[14] ANWAR M N,SHABBIR M,TAHIR E,et al.Emerging challenges of air pollution and particulate matter in China,India,and Pakistan and mitigating solutions[J].Journal of Hazardous Materials,2021,16(1):25-26.
[15] ALEMAYEHU Y A,ASFAW S L,TERFIE T A.Exposure to urban particulate matter and its association with human health risks[J].Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2020,27:491-506.
[16] GIECHASKIEL B,MELAS A,MARTINI G,et al.Overview of vehicle exhaust particle number regulations[J].Processes,2021,9(22):12-16.
[17] 彭敏.汽油发动机排气颗粒物检测影响因素研究[D].黑龙江:东北林业大学,2017:7-8.PENG M.Research on the Influence Factors of Particulate Matter Emission Detection from Gasoline Engines[D].Heilongjiang:Northeast Forestry University,2017:7-8.
[18] 王泽民.汽车尾气排放检测技术与治理措施分析[J].时代汽车,2023(11):7-9.WANG Z M.Analysis of automobile exhaust emission detection technology and treatment measures[J].Times Cars,2023(11):7-9.
[19] 徐盛.汽车尾气检测中过量空气系数测量偏差的分析[J].设备管理与维修,2020(15):108-109.XU S.Analysis of excess air coefficient measurement deviations in automobile exhaust gas detection[J].Equipment Management and Maintenance,2020(15):108-109.
[20] 高继东,宋崇林,张铁臣,等.汽油车排气中颗粒物粒径的分布特性[J].燃烧科学与技术,2007,3(1):248-252.GAO J D,SONG C L,ZHANG T C,et al.Size distributions of exhaust particulates from a passenger car with gasoline engine[J].Journal of Combustion Science and Technology,2007,3(1):248-252.
[21] 王嘉松,陈达良,宁治,等.不同燃料汽车排放超细微粒特性的实验研究[J].环境科学,2006,12(1):2382-2385.WANG JS,CHAN T L,NING Z,et al.Experimental study on ultrafine particle characteristics exhausted from various fuelled vehicles[J].Environmental Sciences,2006,12(1):2382-2385.
[22] HU Z Y,LIN J J,TAN P Q,et al.NEDC particle number and size emission characters of a diesel car fueled with biodiesel blends in laboratory[J].Journal of Tongji University(Natural Science),2012,40(6):937-941.
[23] WANG X,LI F,GE Y,et al.Particle size distribution of particulate matter emission from the diesel engine burning methanol-diesel fuel and biodiesel[J].Nongye Jixie Xuebao Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2009,40(8):7-12.
[24] 樊筱筱,蒋靖坤,张强,等.轻型汽油车排放颗粒物数浓度和粒径分布特征[J].环境科学,2016,37(10):37-43.FAN X X,JIANG J K,ZHANG Q,et al.Number concentration and size distribution of particles emitted by light-duty gasoline vehicles[J].Environmental Sciences,2016,37(10):37-43.
[25] 陈奕行,孙在,熊启航.多层静电丝网对于亚微米颗粒捕集效果的研究[J].中国计量大学学报,2021,32(2):217-224.CHEN Y X,SUN Z,XlONG Q H.Research on the trapping effect of multi-layer electrostatic mesh on sub-micron particles[J].Journal of China University of Metrology,2021,32(2):217-224.
[26] 华轶聪,尹招琴,凃程旭,等.水基铜纳米流体管内颗粒凝并的数值模拟研究[J].中国计量大学学报,2017,28(3):300-305.HUA Y C,YIN Z Q,TUC X.et al.Numerical simulation of Cu/water nanofluid particles coagulation in pipes[J].Journal of China University of Metrology,2017,28(3):300-305.
[27] 余同柱.机动车尾气超细颗粒物采样与数浓度在线测量关键技术研究[D].合肥:中国科学技术大学,2018:24-28.YU T Z.Research on Key Technologies of On-Line Measurement of Sampling and Number Concentration of ultrafine Particles in Motor Vehicle[D].Hefei:University of Science and Technology of China,2018:24-28.
[28] 钟琪,王文,王哲,等.新型大气颗粒物自动换膜采样装置研究[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2018,32(4):7-12.ZHONG Q,WANG W,WANG Z.et al.Research on automatic film-changing sampler for airborne particulate matter[J].Journal of Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation,2018,32(4):7-12.
[29] 钟仕钰,张甦.双怠速法机动车尾气排放检测结果的影响因素分析[J].环境监控与预警,2016,8(1):35-37.ZHONG S Y,ZHANG S.Analysis on factors that influence the testing result of motor vehicle exhaust emission by the double idle speed method[J].Environmental Monitoring and Early Warning,2016,8(1):35-37.
[30] International Organization Standardization.Aerosol Particle Number Concentration—Calibration of Condensation Particle Counters:ISO 27891:2015[S].Switzerland:International Organization for Standardization,2015.