2024 03 v.35 406-414
209 | 0 | 77 |
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[1] 张庆浩,俞平,唐元晓,等.电梯维保质量评价研究进展与趋势分析[J].中国计量大学学报,2023,34(1):134-141.ZHANG Q H,YU P,TANG Y X,et al.Research progress and trend analysis of elevator maintenance quality evaluation[J].Journal of China University of Metrology,2023,34(1):134-141.
[2] 朱德慰,李志海,吴镇炜.基于异常行为监测的人机安全协作方法[J].计算机集成制造系统,2022,28(12):3737-3746.ZHU D W,LI Z H,WU Z W.Abnormal behavior monitoring based method for safe human-robot collaboration[J].Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems,2022,28(12):3737-3746.
[3] MUHAMMAD S S,GHANI A,KHAN I,et al.Image analysis using human body geometry and size proportion science for action classification[J].Applied Sciences,2020,10(16):5453-5465.
[4] HU X,DAI J,HUANG Y,et al.A weakly supervised framework for abnormal behavior detection and localization in crowded scenes[J].Neurocomputing,2020,383:270-281.
[5] HU X,HUANG Y,GAO X,et al.Squirrel-cage local binary pattern and its application in video anomaly detection[J].IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security,2019,14(4):1007-1022.
[6] ZHAO R,WANG Y,JIA P,et al.Abnormal behavior detection based on dynamic pedestrian centroid model:case study on u-turn and fall-down[J].IEEE Transactions on IntelligentTransportation Systems,2023,4(8):8066-8078.
[7] 邓淼磊,高振东,李磊,等.基于深度学习的人体行为识别综述[J].计算机工程与应用,2022,58(13):14-26.DENG M L,GAO Z D,LI L,et al.Overview of human behavior recognition based ondeep learning[J].Computer Engineering and Applications,2022,58(13):14-26.
[8] 徐涛,田崇阳,刘才华.基于深度学习的人群异常行为检测综述[J].计算机科学,2021,48(9):125-134.XU T,TIAN C Y,LIU C H.Deep learning for abnormal crowd behavior detection:A review[J].Computer Science,2021,48(9):125-134.
[9] LIU H C,CHUAH J H,KHAIRUDDIN A S M,et al.Campus abnormal behavior recognition with temporal segment transformers[J].IEEE Access,2023,11:38471-38484.
[10] 张仁路,高丙朋.基于时序时空双流卷积的异常行为识别[J].现代电子技术,2023,46(3):81-87.ZHANG R L,GAO B P.Abnormal behavior recognition based on time-series spatiotemporal two-stream convolution[J].Modern Electronics Technique,2023,46(3):81-87.
[11] HAO Y,TANG Z,ALZAHRANI B,et al.An end-to-end human abnormal behavior recognition framework for crowds with mentally disordered individuals[J].IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics,2022,26(8):3618-3625.
[12] LU Y,YU F,REDDY M K K,et al.Few-shot scene-adaptive anomaly detection[C]//Computer Vision-ECCV 2020:16th European Conference.Glasgow,UK:Springer,2020:125-141.
[13] 聂豪,熊昕,郭原东,等.基于深度学习的视频异常行为识别算法[J].现代电子技术,2020,43(24):110-112,116.LIE H,XIONG X,GUO Y D,et al.Video abnormal behavior identifying algorithm based on deep learning[J].Modern Electronics Technique,2020,43(24):110-112,116.
[14] FEICHTENHOFER C,FAN H,MALIK J,et al.Slowfast networks for video recognition[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision.Seoul,Korea:IEEE,2019:6202-6211.
[15] TRAN D,WANG H,TORRESANI L,et al.A closer look at spatiotemporal convolutions for action recognition[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.Salt Lake City,UT,USA:IEEE,2018:6450-6459.
[16] VASWANI A,SHAZEER N,PARMAR N,et al.Attention is all you need[C]//Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems.Long Beach,California,USA:Curran Associates Inc,2017:6000-6010.
[17] CARION N,MASSA F,SYNNAEVE G,et al.End-to-end object detection with transformers[C]//European Conference on Computer Vision.Glasgow,UK:Springer,2020:213-229.
[18] WANG Y,XU Z,WANG X,et al.End-to-end video instance segmentation with transformers[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conferenceon Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.Nashville,TN,USA:IEEE,2021:8741-8750.
[19] ZHU L,WANG X,KE Z,et al.Biformer:Vision transformer with bi-level routing attention[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.Vancouver,BC,Canada:IEEE,2023:10323-10333.
[20] TRAN D,BOURDEV L,FERGUS R,et al.Learning spatiotemporal features with 3d convolutional networks[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision.Santiago,Chile:IEEE,2015:4489-4497.
[21] WANG L,XIONG Y,WANG Z,et al.Temporal segment networks:Towards good practices for deep action recognition[C]//European Conference on Computer Vision.Amsterdam,The Netherlands:Springer,2016:20-36.
[22] CARREIRA J,ZISSERMAN A.Quo vadis,action recognition?a new model and the kinetics dataset[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.Honolulu,HI,USA:IEEE,2017:6299-6308.
[23] FEICHTENHOFER C,PINZ A,ZISSERMAN A.Convolutional two-stream network fusion for video action recognition[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.Las Vegas,NV,USA:IEEE,2016:1933-1941.
[24] QIU Z,YAO T,MEI T.Learning spatio-temporal representation with pseudo-3d residual networks[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision.Venice,Italy:IEEE,2017:5533-5541.
[2] 朱德慰,李志海,吴镇炜.基于异常行为监测的人机安全协作方法[J].计算机集成制造系统,2022,28(12):3737-3746.ZHU D W,LI Z H,WU Z W.Abnormal behavior monitoring based method for safe human-robot collaboration[J].Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems,2022,28(12):3737-3746.
[3] MUHAMMAD S S,GHANI A,KHAN I,et al.Image analysis using human body geometry and size proportion science for action classification[J].Applied Sciences,2020,10(16):5453-5465.
[4] HU X,DAI J,HUANG Y,et al.A weakly supervised framework for abnormal behavior detection and localization in crowded scenes[J].Neurocomputing,2020,383:270-281.
[5] HU X,HUANG Y,GAO X,et al.Squirrel-cage local binary pattern and its application in video anomaly detection[J].IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security,2019,14(4):1007-1022.
[6] ZHAO R,WANG Y,JIA P,et al.Abnormal behavior detection based on dynamic pedestrian centroid model:case study on u-turn and fall-down[J].IEEE Transactions on IntelligentTransportation Systems,2023,4(8):8066-8078.
[7] 邓淼磊,高振东,李磊,等.基于深度学习的人体行为识别综述[J].计算机工程与应用,2022,58(13):14-26.DENG M L,GAO Z D,LI L,et al.Overview of human behavior recognition based ondeep learning[J].Computer Engineering and Applications,2022,58(13):14-26.
[8] 徐涛,田崇阳,刘才华.基于深度学习的人群异常行为检测综述[J].计算机科学,2021,48(9):125-134.XU T,TIAN C Y,LIU C H.Deep learning for abnormal crowd behavior detection:A review[J].Computer Science,2021,48(9):125-134.
[9] LIU H C,CHUAH J H,KHAIRUDDIN A S M,et al.Campus abnormal behavior recognition with temporal segment transformers[J].IEEE Access,2023,11:38471-38484.
[10] 张仁路,高丙朋.基于时序时空双流卷积的异常行为识别[J].现代电子技术,2023,46(3):81-87.ZHANG R L,GAO B P.Abnormal behavior recognition based on time-series spatiotemporal two-stream convolution[J].Modern Electronics Technique,2023,46(3):81-87.
[11] HAO Y,TANG Z,ALZAHRANI B,et al.An end-to-end human abnormal behavior recognition framework for crowds with mentally disordered individuals[J].IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics,2022,26(8):3618-3625.
[12] LU Y,YU F,REDDY M K K,et al.Few-shot scene-adaptive anomaly detection[C]//Computer Vision-ECCV 2020:16th European Conference.Glasgow,UK:Springer,2020:125-141.
[13] 聂豪,熊昕,郭原东,等.基于深度学习的视频异常行为识别算法[J].现代电子技术,2020,43(24):110-112,116.LIE H,XIONG X,GUO Y D,et al.Video abnormal behavior identifying algorithm based on deep learning[J].Modern Electronics Technique,2020,43(24):110-112,116.
[14] FEICHTENHOFER C,FAN H,MALIK J,et al.Slowfast networks for video recognition[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision.Seoul,Korea:IEEE,2019:6202-6211.
[15] TRAN D,WANG H,TORRESANI L,et al.A closer look at spatiotemporal convolutions for action recognition[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.Salt Lake City,UT,USA:IEEE,2018:6450-6459.
[16] VASWANI A,SHAZEER N,PARMAR N,et al.Attention is all you need[C]//Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems.Long Beach,California,USA:Curran Associates Inc,2017:6000-6010.
[17] CARION N,MASSA F,SYNNAEVE G,et al.End-to-end object detection with transformers[C]//European Conference on Computer Vision.Glasgow,UK:Springer,2020:213-229.
[18] WANG Y,XU Z,WANG X,et al.End-to-end video instance segmentation with transformers[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conferenceon Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.Nashville,TN,USA:IEEE,2021:8741-8750.
[19] ZHU L,WANG X,KE Z,et al.Biformer:Vision transformer with bi-level routing attention[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.Vancouver,BC,Canada:IEEE,2023:10323-10333.
[20] TRAN D,BOURDEV L,FERGUS R,et al.Learning spatiotemporal features with 3d convolutional networks[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision.Santiago,Chile:IEEE,2015:4489-4497.
[21] WANG L,XIONG Y,WANG Z,et al.Temporal segment networks:Towards good practices for deep action recognition[C]//European Conference on Computer Vision.Amsterdam,The Netherlands:Springer,2016:20-36.
[22] CARREIRA J,ZISSERMAN A.Quo vadis,action recognition?a new model and the kinetics dataset[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.Honolulu,HI,USA:IEEE,2017:6299-6308.
[23] FEICHTENHOFER C,PINZ A,ZISSERMAN A.Convolutional two-stream network fusion for video action recognition[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.Las Vegas,NV,USA:IEEE,2016:1933-1941.
[24] QIU Z,YAO T,MEI T.Learning spatio-temporal representation with pseudo-3d residual networks[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision.Venice,Italy:IEEE,2017:5533-5541.